Validity and Reliability of The Turkish Version of The Public Health Literacy Knowledge Scale

Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-1
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-04-23 22:59:17.0
Language : English
Konu : Family Medicine
Number of pages: 35-46
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Aim: To translate the "Public Health Literacy Knowledge Scale" questionnaire developed by Pleasant and Kuruvilla into Turkish, to investigate the validity and reliability of the Turkish questionnaire.

Methods: The necessary permissions have been obtained. The translation of the English form into Turkish was carried out in two steps. Sampling of 290 people was deemed sufficient. In evaluating the reliability of the scale (Test-retest method), the relationship between the Turkish and English forms of the scale was analyzed with correlation analysis in line with the answers received from 40 undergraduate students. The content validity of the scale was evaluated with the Newest Vital Signs scale.

Results: English and Turkish forms were found to have a high level of positive correlation in the language equivalence study of the scale. A significant relationship between the Public Health Literacy Knowledge scale and the total scale scores of the Newest Vital Sign scales has been determined in the same direction and it has been assumed that the Public Health Literacy Knowledge scale provides the validity of the criteria. When the scale reliability was examined in terms of internal consistency, the Cronbach alpha coefficient of the Public Health Literacy Knowledge scale was found to be α=0.58. Looking at the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, it seems that this scale is a poor measurement tool in terms of internal consistency. In a reliability study by Test-retest method, the Public Health Literacy Knowledge scale was re-applied to a group of 40 people three weeks after the first application, and the test-retest correlation was found to be rs=0.93 (p<0.001).

Conclusions: The Turkish validity of the Public Health Literacy Knowledge Scale was provided in this study. The internal consistency of the scale is poor, but its reliability can be evaluated as excellent.


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