Health literacy refers, broadly, to the ability of individuals to “gain access to, understand, and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health”. Health literacy enhances the self-efficacy of people to adapt recommended preventive behaviors, such as vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases or the use of a helmet while driving a motorcycle. Health literacy is a part of health promotion under preventive medicine, which is mostly a neglected area, especially in the context of India. When we follow the business model (U.S.) of health care in India, instead of the welfare model, it is quite natural that when a disaster-like situation arises, the health system collapses like a fragile object.
@article{2021,title={Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition!},abstractNode={},author={Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem },year={2021},journal={European Health Literacy Journal}}
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem . 2021 . Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition! . European Health Literacy Journal.DOI:10.29228/ehlj.51798
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem .(2021).Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition!.European Health Literacy Journal
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem ,"Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition!" , European Health Literacy Journal (2021)
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem . 2021 . Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition! . European Health Literacy Journal . 2021. DOI:10.29228/ehlj.51798
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem .Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition!. European Health Literacy Journal (2021)
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem .Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition!. European Health Literacy Journal (2021)
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem . (2021) .Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition! European Health Literacy Journal
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem . Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition! . European Health Literacy Journal . 2021 doi:10.29228/ehlj.51798
Sudip Bhattacharya-Sheikh Mohd Saleem ."Health Literacy, The Second Wave of Covid-19, and Our Enigmatic Intuition!",European Health Literacy Journal(2021)